Template For Abstract Submission

TEMPLATE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Follow the guide below and download the Word version template using the download button. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION TEMPLATE Names of author(s) and email addresses   Affiliation(s)   Title of paper   Sub-theme   Paper type (research paper, review, case study, conceptual paper, etc.)   Abstract(not more than 350 words) Purpose: Methodology/approach:  Findings: ...

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Call For Papers

a) Preamble     Mzuzu University wishes to invite you to participate in the First National Research Dissemination Conference. The theme of the conference is: Research and Innovation: A Catalyst for Social, Cultural and Economic Transformation. This theme recognises the importance of research, science, technology, and innovation in the realisation of Malawi 2063. The University further seeks...

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To provide quality education, training, research, and complementary services to meet the technological, social, and economic needs of individuals and communities in Malawi.


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