Department of physics and Electronics.
The Department of Physics and Electronics is one of the departments under the Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation (FoSTI) at Mzuzu University. It was first established in 1999 as a Physics Section under the Department of Basic Sciences in the Faculty of Education. It started offering courses in January 2000. The Physics Section was reconstituted into a stand-alone Department of Physics in 2003. Its mandate then was to offer courses in physics and physics methodology to pre-service secondary school teachers. Where necessary, the Department also accepted students from other programmes to register for the courses it offered. The Department also participated in in-service courses for serving secondary school physical science teachers and conducted research in physics, physics teaching/learning and related disciplines.
Due to the university – wide faculty restructuring, the Department of Physics was reconstituted into the Department of Physics and Electronics in 2018. Its mandate is to offer physics and physics-related programmes and courses. It is also expected to conduct research, consultancy and outreach activities in physics and physics-related disciplines.

Courses Offered
- General Physics I (PHYS 1101)
- General Physics II (PHYS 1201)
- Electromagnetism (PHYS 2301)
- Classical Mechanics I (PHYS 2401)
- Classical Mechanics II (PHYS 3501)
- Device and Analogue Electronics (PHYS 3502)
- Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics (PHYS 3503)
- Quantum Mechanics (PHYS 3601)
- Digital Electronics and Design (PHYS 3602)
- Circuit Theory (PHYS 3603)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics (PHYS 4701)
- Signals and Systems (PHYS 4702)
- Optoelectronics and Photonics (PHYS 4703)
- Solid State Physics (PHYS 4801)
- Communication Physics (PHYS 4802)
- Introduction to Medical Physics (PHYS 4803)